Δευτέρα 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

The reformation and salvation of the Greek economy is not the responsibility of the EC, ECB and IMF “troika”, but the duty of Greeks.

An article by JOHN STATHIS.*

The reformation and salvation of the Greek economy is not the responsibility of the EC, ECB and IMF “troika”, but the duty of Greeks.


Our country is nowadays situated on perhaps the most critical turning point of its modern economic history as the failed political policies of the recent decades have literally led it to the brink of bankruptcy.

Greece is today a toy in the hands of its creditors and unfortunately enslaved under the stipulations placed upon it by the prevailing global economic centers.

The harsh truth is that in Greece the private economic sector has not gone bankrupt. The state is the one going bankrupt and in its futile attempt to save itself, it enforces unbearable taxes, “permanent temporary contributions”, reductions in salaries and pensions, essentially pushing the economy to a slow death.

Greece has drowned from the unreasonable, uncritical and exorbitant borrowing done by our politicians, whose one and only target was to buy off the citizens’ vote giving in return outrageous provisions and assigning them to various positions, not having society’s best interest at heart, but in order to ensure their own reelection and the vain enjoyment of the pleasures of power.

The unprecedented outburst of crime rates, public disgrace of politicians, explosion of unemployment, economic and social pauperization of a large percentage of the citizens, the uncontrollable immigration, permanent protests that paralyze the center of Athens, ever increasing “padlocks” on business doors as well as the downward spiral of fiscal numbers, are all clear indicators that things are not going well. The control of developments is completely lost. 

Unfortunately the political system has not realized the dead end towards which it is leading us. The apathetic and irresponsible posture, combined with its tragic inadequacy in dealing with developments, point to its complete lack of awareness of the consequences that await the country.

Let’s dwell more specifically on the fiscal sector, which is the actual heart of the problem of the Greek economy.

The policy followed, with the constant and ineffective increase of taxes as well as the utter failure to put an end to tax evasion, does not under any circumstances result in increasing the public revenue. Quite the contrary, it leads to the necrosis of the market and the collapse of public revenue.

The fiscal policy of the last two years exhausts itself trying to increase revenue using a mixture of threats and facilitations. Outrageous increases of tax rates, strict penalties combined with settlements and facilitations already have obvious negative results. The state budget has already fallen short of its targets , while the future projection of economic numbers and fiscal performance seems extremely alarming. The increase of tax rates does not mean corresponding increase in tax income. If someone combines the afore mentioned faulty policy with the utter disintegration of the tax collection mechanism, then the future appears nightmarish.  All measures, even the most suitable ones, when exaggerated bring opposing results to the ones expected.

Unfortunately the tool of tax politics in the hands of wizard’s apprentices has nowadays been transformed into a mechanism that robs law-abiding citizens of their fortune and incomes, with the sole purpose of sustaining gigantic counterproductive public structures and bureaucracies.

Our opinion is, always referring to modern international theory and practice, that taxing in order to be productive should be simple, just and low. Albeit, the exact opposite from what is happening today in our country, where taxing is complicated, unjust and,naturally,very high, resulting in the sad governmental performances.

The problem with the Greek economy is not just its income; not just the tax evasion; not just the black economy. In our view the most significant problems are state expenditures and extravagances. The state should enforce as little tax as possible, be it direct or indirect, and of course drastically reduce its expenditures.

In order to avoid bankruptcy and utter social failure, there is only one option…the one that will enforce dramatic cutbacks both to the size of the state and public expenditures – squandering. In order for this country to get on a development course, there has got to be a neat and effective state that functions and serves the taxed citizen.

Greece supports perhaps one of the biggest public sectors globally, while contrary to that, the standards of the services offered are tragic to nonexistent.

Generally, in our country, it needs to be made clear that the public sector was created to serve society in the most efficient and effective way. One could state that, apart from exceptions, the public sector in our country is probably a laid back and safe employer of privileged citizens with political connections.

Today, the Greek economy faces an amalgamation of high debt, large deficit and extremely low competitiveness. The combination of the aforementioned is to blame for the fact that our economy cannot borrow reasonably nor can it enter a course of development. The persistent, stable and systematic dealing with the factors mentioned above will enable the creation of the prerequisites needed to exit the deep recession.

Our country could achieve relatively high development rates under the circumstance that it would radically improve its competitiveness. Something that, unfortunately, does not seem as being achieved. The new economic model that Greece needs, means completely abandoning the excessive consumption and turning towards savings and investments. It means walking away from the logic of statism and turning to business initiative and competition. It means reinforcing the export orientation of the economy. Without a doubt, the paying off of the debt could be realized by exporting more than importing.

Bankruptcy and catastrophe could be avoided and the country could reenter a course of development, provided that significant economic reformations take place immediately and consistently. Nevertheless, no one should be under the delusion that we could shortly and painlessly return to the previous situation or even one that resembles it. Unfortunately we must forget, once and for all, the distorted model of development that has driven us to this crisis; Meaning the irrational and senseless consumption that has been based on the abundance of easy loans from the banking system. Unfortunately this was a model that satisfied the unreasonable consumerism of the present, at the expense of the future.

In order to achieve the reformations that will point the way in the right direction, major social consent is required, something that appears to be absent. One could also add that a large percentage of Greeks is deeply troubled about whether we will overcome the crisis and, most important, is unaware of the way all that is being enforced will contribute to reaching the goal. Patience and tolerance have probably run out.

The situation is extremely grave and there doesn’t seem to be an acknowledgement of the dead-end our country is being led to. Today the Greek public sector has collapsed. The public administration is paralyzed.

An urgent readjustment of policies and a radical change of mentality are required. The leadership of the country needs to move forward with sweeping changes on all levels. With daring and courage, with imagination and determination. There is a dire need to replace populism with new leaderships that will have vision, know-how, patience, orientation and most of all a plan, in order for Greece to re-obtain high rates of development, which will allow it to elude this murderous crisis.

And for all this there is significant support; The Greek people, who have realized the criticalness of the situation and have shown a unique attitude of responsibility. They know that they cannot expect much from the political system anymore, however they have proven to support the right initiatives and strategies. No matter where they come from. As long as they exist…

*John Stathis was born in 1969 in Ioannina .

He studied business administration in Athens , with postgraduate studies in the field of Banking Management and Marketing , by attending universities G.Washington University and Middlesex University respectively .
He is a graduate of the special departments , state administration and leadership as well as tax policy and administration of the School of Public Administration, John Kennedy School of Government , Harvard University , USA. He recently completed his studies at the department of organizational behavior and business analysis of the University of Stanford. He participated  in a number of domestic and international seminars and further training in the fields of Retail Banking , financial investment , human resource management etc.
He started his career in the Latsis group of companies in 1989 and in particular in the shipping company ARGONAFTIS and then switched to EUROMERCHANT  BANK (EUROBANK), where he remained for fifteen years , evolving to higher administrative and operational positions of responsibility in the area of ​​Retail Banking

He continued his career in EMPORIKI BANK (COMMERCIAL BANK OF GREECE) as sales manager .
Next stop was the Ministry of Economy and Finance , where he served as a senior executive with political responsibility in the field of taxation and customs mechanism . During his tenure he trained in issues of economic and organized crime at the US DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY, the IRS CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION and in customs and actions against trafficking and smuggling in the Italian financial police , GUARDIA di FINANZA.
To 2008 he returned to the private sector as a project manager of MARFIN INVESTMENT GROUP (MIG) having the responsibility  as  CEO of RADIO KORASIDIS . Today , John operates as a business consultant .

His writings are published in Greek newspapers and magazines , while his financial analysis , are presented in prestigious international publications in Greece and abroad .
He has traveled extensively to many countries in Europe and America and works as a consultant for market analysis for Greek and international companies operating in the field of trade in these areas .
He is currently Executive Vice President of the Greek Association of CFOs.

John Stathis has three sons and a daughter and lives in Athens .

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Κυριακή 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2013


The poet says that the night does not succeed the night. Today a big pioneering part of the Greek society converges in certain basic admissions and choices. The Greek avant-garde should seek an economy that will be the foundation for the social and cultural progress. An economy supported in enterprising decisions that diffuse profits and economic results in all the layers of society. “ALEKOS PAPADOPOULOS The steps of Esternach. Greece after 2010.

          After 30 years of extreme economic liberalism, the fiasco of self-adjusting markets led the world economy on the verge of collapse. Aiming at the prevention of a new big recession, all hopes consigned in the state. Throughout the economic history, there has never been, in such extent and intensity, a monetary and budgetary intervention like the one we are experiencing now from the total of governments, so that the world economy is rescued from the worst nightmare of the last 80 years. 

One could easily and calmly realise that the collapse was averted, however, any economic recovery that may emerge, remains exceptionally precarious and fragile. The big structural problems which caused the crisis remain unsolved. Unfortunately, the unusual and unprecedented government intervention was not accompanied by essential interventions and reforms. Let us stand to certain remarkable lessons which, despite their undoubtedly high cost, will constitute reliable guides and guidelines for the future prosperity.

The markets cannot be self- adjusted.

 In conclusion, it could be argued that without the appropriate regulations and interventions by the state, the markets are led to exaggeration. The blind hunting of profit and the greed did not lead the society to a general prosperity.  Certainly, there was no help for the workers who were found unemployed, for the householders of real-estate who risk losing their fortunes, for the pensioners who face the future with uncertainty and of course, for the tax payers who paid hundreds of billions for the rescue of the commercial and investment banks. 
Indeed, with the argument that the rescue of banks could maintain the lending, thus the “blood donation of economy and trade, the medium tax payer was the one to support with his money the big financier organisms.  However, up to this day, the rescued banking system has not channelled fluidity in the market, always with the aim of the support of employment and the interception of unemployment. More and more prevails the opinion that political control over the financier system is required, so that the drain of credits in the real economy is ensured and not in the re-establishment of the cost of mistaken investment choices.

Confrontation of the crisis and Greek economy.

          As far as the Greek economy is concerned, everyone today recognizes that it is found in a serious crisis. The awareness of this undoubtedly very unpleasant reality also constitutes the basic condition for the mobilisation of all productive forces, aiming at the confrontation of this difficult situation and our exit from the crisis. Unfortunately, while the European and world economy recover, even if important dangers still remain, in our country the recession will be continued also in 2010 as well.  The international crisis brought to light the pre-existing big macroeconomic imbalances as well as the structural weaknesses of the Greek economy.  The Greek state is judged as an organism anorthologically and irrationally organised and overgrown. It is distinguished for the total waste of precious resources without offering to its citizens corresponding services. Moreover, the without precedent divergence of development of budgetary sizes during 2009 had a dramatic effect on the issue of reliability of the country.  This situation is reflected in the reactions of international markets which influenced the cost of lending of the state. The effort that is required for the emersion of the country out of the crisis is undoubtedly enormous. 
Structural reforms are required, with basic parameters the improvement of competitiveness and productivity, while one essential course of action is the creation of conditions for the final and definite cleansing of public finances.  Actions in the direction of the reduction of public expenses, the drastic restriction of cost of government mechanisms, the reduction of tax evasion but also the radical confrontation of insurance problem, would have positive impact for the re-establishment of reliability of our country and confidence in its potentials.

However, it has been proven that none of the above can be brought into effect without the change of mentality from all of us. In theory, there is the among all of us commonly accepted opinion for the essential reforms and the stabilisation of economy, as long as what everyone considers as his own or of his own interest is not offended. It is easy to discuss about national challenge, but without collectiveness as far as the commonly accepted goals are concerned, any effort strikes as hopeless.
Now, however, we do not have any other choice, we do not have any more time. 

No one is going to help us regulate our internal affairs. On the contrary, if we do not do it on our own, the consequences will be severe and painful not only for us but also for the next generations.

John Stathis is an economist. He served in the private and public banking industry as a high level official .

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Δευτέρα 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Απλοί και κατανοητοί νόμοι της φορολογίας

Το τηλεοπτικό κοινό του καναπέ,έτοιμο να "καταναλώσει" περισπούδαστες οικονομικές "αναλύσεις " απο "φωστήρες της οικονομικής σκέψης......

Το παρακάτω εκπληκτκο κειμενο με την απλοτητα του εξηγει τους οικονομικους νομους της φορολογιας.κατα τη γνωμη μου ειναι χρησιμο και για τους γνωστες αλλα και για τους μη. Δέκα συμμαθητές από το Γυμνάσιο ξαναβρέθηκαν μετά από τριάντα χρόνια και άρχισαν να κάνουν καθημερινή παρέα.

Με διαφορετική οικονομική κατάσταση ο καθένας τους, αποφάσισαν να βρίσκονται στο καφενείο, ουζερί "Το Τηνιακό" όπου έπιναν τις μπυρίτσες τους και έκαναν καθημερινό λογαριασμό 100€.

Οι δέκα φίλοι μας επίσης συμφώνησαν να πληρώνουν τον λογαριασμό με βάση την οικονομική κατάσταση του καθενός που όλοι θεώρησαν δίκαιο.

Έτσι πλήρωναν τον λογαριασμό ως κάτωθι (όπως περίπου πληρώνουμε τους φόρους μας):
1 Αρτέμιος, ταμείο ανεργίας €5.000 
2 Βασίλειος, ταμείο ανεργίας €5.000 
3 Γεώργιος, ταμείο ανεργίας €5.000 
4 Δημήτριος ΤαμείοΑνεργίας €5.000 
5 Ευστάθιος, part time υπάλληλος με εσόδημα 10.000 ευρώ, πλήρωνε 1 ευρώ στον κοινό λογαριασμό
6 Ζαφείρης, τεχνικόςΗ/Υ με εισόδημα 15.000 ευρώ, πλήρωνε 2 ευρώ στον κοινό λογαριασμό
7 Ηρόδοτος, δημόσιος υπάλληλος με εισόδημα 25.000 ευρώ, πλήρωνε 8 ευρώ στον κοινό λογαριασμό
8 Θεοφάνης, δικηγόρος με εισόδημα 40.000 ευρώ, πλήρωνε 12 ευρώ στον κοινό λογαριασμό
9 Ιγνάτιος, γιατρός με εισόδημα 70.000 ευρώ, πλήρωνε 22 ευρώ στον κοινό λογαριαμό
10 Κωνσταντίνος, επιχειρηματίας με εισόδημα 200.000 ευρώ, πλήρωνε 55 ευρώ στον κοινό λογαριασμό. 
ΣΥΝΟΛΟ: 100 ευρώ

Οι φίλοι μας, πλήρως ικανοποιημένοι με την συμφωνία, βρισκόταν καθημερινά για τις μπυρίτσες τους.
Ο καφετζής, ο Δήμος, που απέκτησε ξαφνικά δέκα νέους πελάτες από το πουθενά, σαν επιχειρηματικό μυαλό που ήταν, και για να μην τους χάσει από πελάτες, τους λέει ένα Σαββατόβραδο:

"Επειδή είσαστε οι καλύτεροι πελάτες μου, θα σας κάνω έκπτωση 20€ στον λογαριασμό σας! Έτσι από εδώ και στο εξής θα μου δίνετε 80€ για τις μπύρες σας αντί για 100€!". 

Ξαφνικά οι δέκα φίλοι μας απέκτησαν ένα πρόβλημα να λύσουν, τι ποσό θα πλήρωνε τώρα ο καθένας τους εάν συνέχιζαν να πληρώνουν τον λογαριασμό όπως πληρώνουμε τους φόρους μας;

Πως θα μοίραζαν την μείωση των 20 ευρώ μεταξύ τους; 

Ο Αρτέμιος είπε στους υπόλοιπους ότι λογικό θα ήταν οι τέσσερις πιο φτωχοί να συνεχίσουν να μην πληρώνουν τίποτε, και οι υπόλοιποι έξι να μοιραστούν την έκπτωση ισόποσα μεταξύ των. Δηλαδή ο καθένας από τους έξι να πληρώνει 3,33 ευρώ λιγότερα.

Αυτή η ιδέα απορρίφτηκε πάραυτα από τους υπόλοιπους!

Έτσι οι δέκα φίλοι μας ζήτησαν την βοήθεια του Δήμου του καφετζή που τους πρότεινε την παρακάτω λύση:
1 Αρτέμιος, εξακολούθησε να μην πληρώνει 
2 Βασίλειος, εξακολούθησε να μην πληρώνει 
3 Γεώργιος, εξακολούθησε να μην πληρώνει 
4 Δημήτριος, εξακολούθησε να μην πληρώνει
5 Ευστάθιος, πλήρωνε 1 ευρώ και τώρα δε θα πλήρωνε καθόλου
6 Ζαφείρης, πλήρωνε 2 ευρώ και τώρα θα πλήρωνε 1 ευρω, κέρδισε 1 ευρώ
7 Ηρόδοτος, πλήρωνε 8 ευρώ, τώρα θα πλήρωνε 5 ευρώ, κέρδισε 3 ευρώ
8 Θεοφάνης, πλήρωνε 12 ευρώ, τώρα θα πλήρωνε 8 ευρώ, κέρδισε 4 ευρώ
9 Ιγνάτιος, πλήρωνε 22 ευρώ, τώρα θα πλήρωνε 18 ευρώ, κέρδισε 4 ευρώ
10 Κωνσταντίνος, πλήρωνε 55 ευρώ, τώρα θα πλήρωνε 48 ευρώ, κέρδισε 7 ευρώ 
ΣΥΝΟΛΟ: 80 ευρώ

Και οι δέκα φίλοι μας είχαν κάθε λόγο να είναι ευχαριστημένοι.
Οι τέσσερις πιο φτωχοί εξακολουθούν να πίνουν τις μπυρίτσες τους δωρεάν.
Ο πέμπτος της παρέας, ο Ευστάθιος δεν πληρώνει πλέον τίποτε.

Οι πέντε που θα συνεχίζουν να πληρώνουν τον λογαριασμό, τώρα πληρώνουν λιγότερα.

Όμως, όταν βρέθηκαν έξω από το καφενείο, άρχισαν να συγκρίνουν πόσο λιγότερο πλήρωνε ο καθένας και έτσι άρχισαν οι γκρίνιες... 

"Εγώ κέρδισα μόνο 1€ από την έκπτωση" είπε ο Ευστάθιος, ο πέμτπος της παρέας, "αλλά ο Κωνσταντίνος κέρδισε 7€". 

"Σωστά" είπε ο Ζαφείρης, ο έκτος της παρέας, "και εγώ κέρδισα 1€ αλλά είναι αδικία που ο Κωνσταντίνος κέρδισε 700% περισσότερα!". 

"Αυτό είναι αλήθεια" είπε ο Ηρόδοτος, ο έβδομος της παρέας, "«εγώ κέρδισα 3€ και αυτός 7€. Οι πιο πλούσιοι κερδίζουν τα πιο πολλά!". 

Ταυτόχρονα σχεδόν οι τέσσερις πρώτοι της παρέας (Αρτέμιος, Βασίλειος, Γεώργιος και Δημήτριος) ούρλιαζαν:

"Μισό λεπτό. Εμείς δεν κερδίσαμε απολύτως τίποτα. Το σύστημα εκμεταλλεύεται μονίμως τους φτωχούς!". 

Οι εννιά φίλοι, όλοι δυσαρεστημένοι με τον Κωνσταντίνο που κέρδισε τα πιο πολλά, το περικύκλωσαν έξω από το καφενείο, τον έκαναν τουλούμι στο ξύλο και το άφησαν αναίσθητο στο πεζοδρόμιο της Λεωφ. Αλεξάνδρας. Την επόμενη μέρα, την Κυριακή, όπως ήταν αναμενόμενο, ο δαρμένος της παρέας, ο Κωνσταντίνος, δεν εμφανίστηκε στο καφενείο. Οι υπόλοιποι εννιά έπιναν χαρούμενοι τις μπυρίτσες τους έχοντας ταυτόχρονα βγάλει και το άχτι τους με τον Κωνσταντίνο!

Η χαρά όμως τους κόπηκε απότομα όταν ήλθε η ώρα του λογαριασμού! Τότε ανακάλυψαν ότι τα χρήματα που είχαν όλοι μαζί πάνω τους ήταν μόλις 32 ευρώ...Ούτε τον μισό λογαριασμό δεν μπορούσαν να πληρώσουν γιατί τους έλειπαν τα 48€ του Κωνσταντίνου...

Λοιπόν, φίλοι και συνεργάτες, συγγενείς και συνάδελφοι, εργαζόμενοι και άνεργοι, συμφοιτητές και δημοσιογράφοι:

Έτσι ακριβώς δουλεύει το σύστημα πληρωμής των φόρων. Οι πιο πλούσιοι πληρώνουν τα πιο πολλά. Όταν όμως γίνεται μείωση φόρων, αυτοί που πλήρωναν τους υψηλότερους φόρους κερδίζουν τα πιο πολλά από την μείωση!

Εάν τους φορολογείς πάρα πολύ και τους επιτίθεσαι επειδή έχουν οικονομική ευχέρεια, μπορεί να μην ξαναεμφανιστούν ποτέ στο "καφενείο". 

Στη πραγματικότητα οι θαμώνες του καφενείου μπορεί να αρχίσουν να πίνουν μπύρες σε άλλα "καφενεία", εκτός της χώρας πιθανόν, όπου η ατμόσφαιρα είναι πολύ πιο φιλική και πιθανώς οι μπύρες να κοστίζουν λιγότερο!!!

Για όσους κατάλαβαν, δεν απαιτείται εξήγηση!

Για όσους ΔΕΝ κατάλαβαν, ΔΕΝ υπάρχει εξήγηση!

Γιάννης Στάθης 

Υ.Σ. Αυτό το άρθρο, είναι παράφραση ενός αγνώστου συγγραφέως κειμένου που υποτίθεται ότι το έγραψε ο David Kamerschen, Ph.D., Professor of Economics, University of Georgia. Ωστόσο ο φερόμενος συγγραφέας του κειμένου που κυκλοφορεί στο internet με τον τίτλο "Bar Stool Economics" διαψεύδει οτι είναι αυτός ο συγγραφέας. http://www.snopes.com/business/taxes/howtaxes.asp

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Πέμπτη 5 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Ηγουμενίτσα 30 Νοεμβρίου 2013.

Ηγουμενίτσα 30 Νοεμβρίου 2013. Ειχα την τιμή να παραστώ σε γευμα με τιμώμενο πρόσωπο τον Θεσπρωτό ,Βύρωνα Πολύδωρα. Καταπληκτική εκδήλωση , μοναδικός ο Βύρωνας !! Θα εχουμε την ευκαιρία να σχολιάσουμε περισσότερα , σύντομα. Στην φωτό , στα αριστερά μου ο αδελφικός φίλος μου ,ναυτιλιακός πράκτορας ,Ακης Μπρέστας και στα δεξία ο Αντιπεριφερειάρχης Ηπείρου για θέματα υγείας , φαρμακοποιός, Νικόλας Κάτσιος.Συγχαρητήρια στους διοργανωτές!!!
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